Erik Narhi

Computational Design Lead

Buro Happold

Erik Narhi is the Computational Design Lead in Buro Happold’s Los Angeles office with educational experience in architecture as well as engineering.

Erik has experience with advanced computational techniques (Grasshopper, Dynamo, Digital Project, Processing), studio design projects at a wide range of scales, realization of a design from concept to CD’s using Revit, and construction methods in an academic setting. Erik’s experience also includes complex geometry rationalization / optimization, BIM, architectural and structural documentation from schematic design to construction documents, model making, and early stage design in a professional environment.

Erik has a wide range of shop and full scale design-build fabrication experience from extracurricular activities such as Global Architecture Brigades. Erik is especially interested in larger scale projects and design informed by unique structural and technological solutions, as well as the utilization of tools such as Digital Project and Grasshopper in order to rationalize complex geometries and streamline design processes via parametric modeling and scripting.